Today the moon is new, begins another cycle of expansion. This is a good time to plant seeds of all kinds - arugula, marigold, chamomile, indoors or out.
It’s also a good time to plant seeds of intention, as affirmations. Here’s how:
Sit in a quiet place,
Bring your awareness to your breathing body
Now move your awareness to the heart center
Notice desires or intentions as they begin to appear
(example: health or abundance or compassion)
Reflect on the seeds of these desires as they exist already in your life right now
(example: a feeling of well-being or a warm cup of tea or concern for your neighbor)
Tune in to the vibrational resonance of the example and the feeling it elicits in the body and rest in that feeling, breathing deeply
Write down the intention(s) in a few words, not more than 5
Say thank you :)
Repeat on the first day of the new moon
Of course this is magical thinking! But magical thinking is powerful stuff if you learn how to work with it. Revisit the intentions from time to time and see how they manifest. The feeling of the present-time seed of the intention (the well-being, the cuppa, the neighbor) expands, in resonance perhaps with the moon, and attracts similar energy.
Here are my new moon affirmations for this month:
Joy in health
Tend relationships, body, garden
Let go of both the past and the future as I imagine it
Rest in Source