Yoga & Meditation
The original meaning and purpose of yoga is to 'yoke' the 'lower self', what we might call the ego, to the 'higher self', or atman. The practice of yoga in the US manifested in many different varieties as it migrated from India. As much as possible, I follow the practices of the 8 limbs of the yoga tradition as outlined by Patanjali in 400 CE ; yamas (moral disciplines), niyamas (elevating or supportive moral practices), asana (posture), pranayama (breath), pratyahara (sense withdrawal), dharana (focused concentration), dhyana (the state of meditation, resulting from dharana), and samadhi (bliss, connection to what is - on a good day, when grace allows!).
Private lessons include hatha yoga asana instruction with a focus on postural alignment and supportive breath for the sake of optimal energetic flow within the body. Meditation coaching and dharma journaling exercises are included. Each session begins with setting an intention, and learning to assess the inner landscape on any given day. Ahimsa, or non-violence, is practiced, toward the mind-body-self, and extended outward to the world at large. Awareness of and compassion for one's own limitations is cultivated. No previous experience required. A series of 6 weekly lessons is recommended for beginners.
Please arrive a few minutes before the scheduled time, dressed in clean, comfortable clothing that is easy to move in. Shoes, watches, and belts should be removed before working. Sessions are most effective if you are well hydrated, with a light meal taken an hour prior. Please bring your own yoga mat and water bottle. Blocks and props will be provided.